High School
High school years are pivotal years in which students develop their world view. At Saint John School the goal is to assist students in growing in their understanding of their self and their self-identity. Academically, the goal is to prepare students for further education. The statistics for the last 6 years indicate that 100% of students graduating from Saint John are accepted at colleges of their choice. Students on average receive more than $150,000 per student in offered non-need based financial assistance.
The specific purpose of a Catholic education is the formation of young men and women who will be good citizens of this world, loving God and neighbor and enriching society with their gifts and talents.
The curriculum of Saint John School not only follows the State of Ohio guidelines and the national core standards, it also challenges students to develop their critical and creative thinking skills.
Saint John offers Advanced Placement Courses, a One:One Computer Program, online course work and a variety of elective courses. All faculty members are state-certified and the school is accredited through the Ohio Catholic Accreditation Association as prescribed the State of Ohio Department of Education.